What’s a poor sport?

Before you jump in with 20 one-liners, all ending with Trump, let’s hold those guffaws. 

Who asks a question like that? In this case, it was a six year old girl. I don’t know what prompted the question. She might have heard her parents talking about the 2018 Dodgers stealing signs in the World Series or Bill Belichick’s videotaping opposing team practices. 

Or Baby Donald’s tantrums at losing to Biden. 

(Sorry. Couldn’t resist. On the other hand, this really isn’t a guffaw moment, is it.) 

Traditionally a poor sport is someone who cheats in a competition or loses, and then, rather than accept the loss, complains about the winner, the rules, or the referees. We’ve all seen it: a thrown baseball bat, a football helmet slammed on the ground, a tennis racket flying at the ref.

Being a good sport has been a standard of our culture for, well, ever. For example, since 1865 when the Marquess of Queensberry Rules were written (by a Welshman), bare fists have been forbidden in boxing.

Other sports developed protocols, too. Like politics and business.

Today senators refer to even their most hated enemies as “My Colleague” or “Our friends across the aisle.” It’s a way of keeping arguments civil, as opposed to the early days, like in 1804 when Alexander Hamilton accused Aaron Burr of corruption. They settled it with a duel. Hamilton – the good guy –  lost. 

One politician, corrupt, trying to destroy the other – hard to believe, huh.

Human beings have developed rules for how to treat each other from the Garden of Eden forward. For example, shaking hands was a way of showing the other guy you weren’t about to knife him. 

Rules like that were an attempt by humans to avoid the rule of the jungle whereby the meanest, most ruthless, hungriest one wins. (Although, when you think about it, we’re the only animal that kills other animals for pleasure.)

Our culture has had basic rules about how we treat each other for, well (again), ever. 

But there’s always been something of a dichotomy. 

We teach our children not to lie or cheat or steal, the Golden Rule, the importance of shared sacrifice for the higher good, that kind of thing. We teach them about George Washington and the cherry tree, about Abraham Lincoln walking miles to return a few pennies, about Roosevelt smiling through polio.

Some people call that the American Character, a culture of shared values that settled the west, fostered the Industrial Revolution, launched us back across the pond in WWI and again in WWII, and into world leadership.

But then there were the likes of Carnegie and Rockefeller and Henry Ford. 

In 1919 Henry Ford got wind that the the Dodge Brothers, who provided engines and transmissions for his cars, wanted to start their own car company, using dividends from their Ford stock as startup money.  Ford promptly stopped paying dividends. When the Dodge brothers sued, he claimed he was increasing shareholder value – and won.

From then on, increasing shareholder value has been the shield companies, from Exxon to Marlboro, from Big Pharma to Big Tech, have used to take advantage of consumers, suppliers, and employees. 

Some people call that unchecked Capitalism. 

Over time we’ve always kept Capitalism in check with laws reflecting our shared values. Teddy Roosevelt put a lid on Standard Oil and J.P.Morgan monopolies with the Sherman Anti-trust Act in 1901; it held for years. Judge Harold Green did the same thing with AT&T in 1982. 

We’ve kept authoritarians in check with the Constitution, from Andrew Jackson to Huey Long to Richard Nixon.

(My kids did that to me by turning 21)

In the last 50 years or so, though, the ethic of lying, cheating and stealing has begun to overpower personal integrity. Legal lying is rampant in advertising, not to mention politics. Cheating is sweeping through the educational system, not to mention  business.

Stealing is part of Wall Street and Silicon Valley, and headed for Main Street.Google sells us services then steals our data and sells it. Wall Street bends the tax code to its benefit. Chain stores with 40% and 60% off sales are chasing Mom and Pops from Main Street.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

We’re out of balance, America. Trump is not an aberration. He’s the hood ornament. We’re shedding the rules of civility and fairness that brought us here.

Six year olds are right to ask, “what’s a poor sport?”. The real concern is how we answer.

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I live in a strange neighborhood

It is – how shall I put this? – a mixed neighborhood. By “mixed” I mean it has people of different colors. 

For example, one or two are Green. They feel Climate Change is an earthly threat – to earth.  A few are the opposite of Green; they are Red. They dispute Climate Change. 

Green people are also considered Blue because people who are  fearful of Climate Change are also called “liberals”, who are Blue and are far more plentiful than Greens, making Green a subset of Blue. That’s as opposed to “conservatives” who are considered Red.

Are you following me?

In my neighborhood, both Blue and Red people love their country and consider themselves very patriotic. Some even use the flag as a piece of clothing.

Interestingly, there are no Whites in my neighborhood, at least in terms of politics. 

It’s not easy to tell the difference between Red and Blue people. Both dress pretty much alike. They go to work every day. They speak the same language. Their kids go to school together. Their tastes in music, art, food, movies – even sports – are very similar. They are almost as funny as they think they are.

One place where they differ is yard signs, which I didn’t notice until a few months ago when my Red neighbor next door put out some yard signs that said “Trump/Pence”. They were quite professionally done.  About a month later, another Red neighbor put out a yard sign for Trump-Pence. It was professional, too. Then she put out more Trump/Pence signs, ones that she had designed and painted herself.  They were much nicer than the manufactured signs.

Feeling the spirit of the season, I went Blue with some Biden/Harris signs for my yard.  I thought a little variety of signage would add to the look of the neighborhood. Then two other neighbors put Biden/Harris signs in their yards.  So now we had a street with lots of cheery signs waving in the breeze. 

One day, a couple of weeks before the election, I found my Biden/Harris signs had been run over and flattened. I left them there, too lazy to pick them up right away. (Yes, I’m also that neighbor. Every neighborhood has at least one.)

A couple of mornings later, I found them repaired and upright again. Without so much as a note or a phone call. Really.

Did I tell you it’s a strange neighborhood?

Here’s something else that happened around the same time. The artistic Red neighbor came out of her house one day and found an elderly neighbor from down the street who had fallen on the sidewalk “and couldn’t get up”. He was incoherent.  

She was too small to pick him up so she called 911. The EMS workers diagnosed him as dehydrated, gave him some water, and got him home.  

She called my next door Red neighbor who came right over. They discovered his water had been turned off and he had no food. My neighbor went right home and brought him a casserole she had just made. He wolfed it like a teenager after a football practice. 

Beyond that, though, he refused their help. When they asked if  he had family who could help, he told them he had no living relatives. 

So they called a Blue neighbor (he had a Biden/Harris sign in his yard), who had known the elderly man for years. He brought bottled water and enough food for a week. Then he located the estranged brother of the man, who came the next day.  

Within a few days, the elderly neighbor was in an assisted living community, well fed, hydrated, and cared for.

Why do I tell you about my strange neighborhood? Why at a time when Blues are crowing about the Election like Eagles fans after beating a Belichick team? And why at a time when the Election results are being attacked by Reds across the government and up and down the ballots?

Because our mixed colors, be they Red or Blue, describe relatively recent political differences.  Acts of caring and kindness, working together to rescue an old man or to help each other survive a pandemic, describe the more ingrained character of my neighborhood and the country: 244 years of DNA that brings us together and holds us there.  

Maybe not so strange, after all. 

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Now What? Things To Do While Waiting For The Results.

Watch TV, but only news channels. That way, you’ll get really ramped up as the votes come in. Be sure to wear soft wool gloves, though, so when you hit your forehead in disgust or happiness, you won’t hurt yourself.

Watch TV, but only the non-news cable channels. That way you’ll have an uneventful day until your neighbor calls in disgust, “I don’t believe it! Do you believe that crap? I don’t believe it! Who would ever believe it!”

Spend all day on Amazon. Spend money you don’t have on things you’ll never need, things that are so unpractical, so un-you, but also things you’ve craved all your life: the second convertible, yet another TV, a new dog, a lake house… the kind of thing you’d only buy if you knew tomorrow would never come. Then when it does come and the worst happens, you have a second reason to go home, jump into bed, turn the electric blanket to number 9, and assume the pre-natal position.

(Or your guy wins and you’re ecstatic, you can send them all back to Amazon with a note from your psychiatrist.)

Call every one of your neighbors whom you have insulted during political arguments and grovel for their forgiveness. Whoever wins, you’ll still be welcome at neighborhood pizza parties.

Invite your neighbors to drop all their yard signs in your front yard, then, after the polls have closed, light them into a big bonfire and have a marshmallow roasting party. 

Spend the day writing letters asking for forgiveness to Biden voters and Trump voters. Sign the Biden letters with names of neighbors who supported Trump and the Trump letters with names of neighbors who supported Biden. Enjoy watching them start fighting all over again at the pizza party.

Stream Netflix movies all day.

Watch kids shows on PBS all day.

Listen to classical music all day. No matter how boring, stay with it. Your ears will thank you.

Listen to Country and Western music all day… Wait! No. That music is sad enough, listen to it after the results if your candidate loses.

Clean the house, top to bottom. Although I’ve never done it, I hear it helps when the world is falling apart.

Work out, starting early in the morning. Don’t stop. When the winner is announced you won’t care; you’ll be asleep.

Start drinking, early. Don’t stop. When the winner is announced you won’t care; you’ll be asleep.

Go down to the Passport office and apply for a new one or extend your old one. That way you’ll be ready to escape the country if your guy loses, or go on a celebratory vacation if he wins.

Buy all four books of The Invention Hunters series. And read them. They’re short and explain things you’ve never understood before, things you should know but don’t – like how a toilet works. It’ll take your mind off less important things, like politics, and focus on really important things, like… toilets – and they’re absolutely brilliantly written and illustrated.

Watch every one of the 27 James Bond movies. At an average of 90 minutes each, that’s 40 hours, almost two days. At the end of that time, you’ll have a British accent and can emigrate to England if your guy loses.

Write your own personal memoire. If you’re like me it shouldn’t take long. Use the rest of the time begging your friends and family to read it.

Watch TV all day, all night, as long as you want, without seeing a single political ad!

Read Facebook, Twitter, etc  all day without seeing a single political comment…Just kidding!

Hop a plane to New Zealand and never worry about the US again.

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When is it enough?

Is it the $1.1 million his businesses charged the Secret Service for rooms and services at his various clubs, from New Jersey to Glasgow, Scotland?

Is it playing golf 266 days, an average of once every 4.92 days, usually at a golf course he owns (and charges tax payers to use), instead of working?

Is it the throttling of Brian Murphy, the senior DHS official in charge of intelligence, for reporting on the threat of Russian interference in the 2020 election?

Is it threatening witnesses like Laura Cooper of the Pentagon for testifying against Trump during the impeachment trial?

Is it proposing to loosen regulations outlawing health care companies from exchanging bribes and kickbacks for patient referrals?

Is it when he withheld military aid to Ukraine unless they investigated Hunter?

Is it abandoning Kurds on the battlefield in Syria, fighters who had already suffered 11,000 dead and 24,000 wounded in a war that we asked them to fight,?

Is it calling US military war dead “suckers” and “losers”?

Is it the indictments of seven Trump advisors (Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn, George Papadopoulos, Rick Gates, Micahel Cohen) as well as 27 others?

Is it the 5400 children separated from their parents at the border (over a thousand of whom have suffered sexual abuse) “to keep people out of this country — namely Central American migrants” according to Pence’s press secretary Katie Miller?

Is it the 545 children, now permanently orphaned because their parents can’t be located, that Trump says are “so well-taken care of”? 

Is it his telling “Proud Boy” terrorists to “stand back and stand by”?

Is it his putting a top donor to his campaign in charge of the Post Office then watching him deliberately slow delivery of mail-in ballots by cutting hours and tossing sorting machines?

Is it his calling mail-in ballots “a scam” and “fraud”, because if the United States switched to all-mail voting, “you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again?”

Is it paying no US taxes for 10 out of 15 years, then $750 in 2016, but paying $188,561 over two years in taxes to China?

Is it his refusal to acknowledge climate change, something 11,000 scientists around the world endorse, even as the US west is burning?

Is it his total non-management of the Covid 19 pandemic,  causing 8,680,611 cases and 226,171 dead and counting?

Is it his his no mask, no social distancing Super Spreader events at the White House and around the country? 

Is it his effort to prevent DHS, the CDC, WHO and other agencies from telling the truth about COVID 19?

Is it appointing a Secretary of Education who never attended a public school and doesn’t believe in the public school system?

Is it Attorney General Barr assigning Justice Department lawyers to defend a defamation suit against Trump, firing US Attorney Geoffrey Berman for investigating Trump, and minimizing the Mueller investigation? 

Is It Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s abuse of power in firing his Inspector General, using his office to punish Trump critics, and using staff for personal errands?

Is it his cozying up to Putin and defending him at every step?

Is it his support for the Saudis and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in murdering Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi?

Is it his attempt to get rid of Obamacare thus eliminating healthcare for 19 million Americans in the middle of a pandemic?

Is it the new healthcare plan he claims to have but can’t produce?

Is it his stacking the Supreme Court 6-3 with Amy Coney Barrett so she can “look at the ballots” in what he calls a rigged election, as well as kill Obamacare?

Is it all the lies – over 20,000 and counting?

Is it all the insults he’s thrown at US allies?

OK, I could keep on going, but space is a problem. And you get the point. When is this socio-pathic, uninformed, bully going to convince you that a vote for him is a vote against all of us, not to mention everything this country has ever stood for?

When it’s too late?

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It’s The State of The State We’re In

On Friday, Trump came to town.

In the morning sun, as he walked past the Fort Myers Convention Center, a few early birds wearing Trump shirts, MAGA hats, and carrying  US flags gathered at the corners near the Convention Center. They laughedand talked excitedly like football fans at a tailgate.

He walked along the river’s edge past parked security cars and clusters of police officers. It had been two weeks since his European friend of 25 years sent the email.

“You have seen (and so have they) the Mussolini moment on the balcony of the White House yesterday. What DON”T you SEE?! Do I have to constantly tell you about the German history that cost untold people (and writers like you) their lives? — Your former friend”

By the time he rounded the far edge of town and headed back, barricades and more people with Trump regalia blocked more streets. An older lady with a MAGA hat and thinning hair was mocking some Biden sign holders, “Gimme free stuff! Gimme free stuff!” 

Trump’s caravan arrived late, a line of vehicles, large and small, weaving through streets like an army on the march. 

A few minutes later, he and a friend watched as secret service agents came out the large double doors and invited some Trump flag wavers into the auditorium. 

“This is one Trump event that is definitely not sold-out”, his friend said.

They watched three young women in masks with Biden signs being interviewed by a TV news crew. Suddenly four men crowded around the young women, jeering and waving “2020 Trump!” signs at the camera.

“We have to leave, now,” said his friend. 

“Why?” he said. “No social distancing, no masks?”

“Because I’m about to hit one of them!” she said.

On Saturday, A Woman’s March came to town. 

He had never done this before, attend a protest. Not through the Kent State shootings, Watergate, the 2000 election, 9/11, or the Women’s March of 2017.  

But on this Saturday, he bought a Biden-Harris T-shirt, grabbed a Biden-Harris sign and joined hundreds of women lining the main thoroughfare into town for a two hour Woman’s March Call To Action.

They held Biden-Harris signs, along with “Black Lives Matter”, “The color of your skin should not put a target on your back”, “Let Felons vote”, “My Body My Choice”, “ERA now”, “Science Is Real!”.

People on Saturday errands drove by. Supporters honked. Detractors didn’t. He heard two drivers shout “Baby Killers!”  One screamed “Fu^@k You!” Three yelled “Socialists!” But most Trump voters drove by in silence. Some pointed a thumb down, or a middle finger up.  But the honks dominated the two hours.

Other than that, no Trump signs, not one, no MAGA hats, not one, no-one wrapped in the American flag, not one. No jeering. No bullying. No hissing or chest-thumping. Just a two mile line of women (and a few men) in masks, standing on the sidewalk socially distanced from each other, waving signs (mostly home-made) and chatting.

On Sunday he skipped politics.

He watched NFL games, the ones that hadn’t been canceled due to COVID19. He walked the dog, enjoying the return to quiet. He phoned his kids. He watched a movie on Netflix. He tried not to think about the pandemic, the 20,000 lies, the insults, assaulted women, alienated allies, racism, 23 million losing healthcare, 25 million unemployed, a highly partisan court system, …

“The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself”, Roosevelt had said.

He wondered.

On Monday, the first day of voting, he voted early.

The polling place was in a poorer area. His friend had chosen it for that reason. 

They joined a line of brown, black, and white people, everyone in a mask. It was raining, but no-one complained. There was occasional gentle laughter. At the entrance to the building an old guy on a walker directed voter traffic and reminded people to socially distance.  

“I like your handbag” his friend said to a woman who was dressed like she’d just come from church.

“You can get it at Macy’s or Dillards.” The two discussed the handbag’s compartments, then the weather – nothing about politics.

The voting booths were spread well apart in a large hall. The line worked its way past elderly poll workers, each of whom examined licenses and signatures and patiently answered even (his) dumb questions.

He got his ballot, filled in the right spaces, and pushed it through the scanner. It felt reassuring, calming, good.

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