Dear Joe,

 A few thoughts.

We go back a long way. I knew you when the DC – Wilmington Amtrak had brand new rail cars, when you had plenty of hair and were a 29 year old Senate candidate.

I know you’ve been really busy lately, what with Ukraine and Israel, and China and Russia, and… TRUMP! –  OMG!  

Anyway, I thought I would write to tell you what a great job you’ve done and how proud I am of what you’ve accomplished.  For a guy as old as you and I are, really, really impressive!

But I’m writing to ask you to,….  Um, now don’t get upset with me… to step back, to ….. Ummm step aside,…. to Ummmmmmm…. step out of the fast lane and enjoy what’s left ——- 

—-Wait! CBS just interrupted golf!  What? You’re stepping down?…Yes! You’re stepping down!! Holy Moley!! Way to go, Joe!

Now we can go after Trump for being too old

Oh! And! …being a narcissist, dictator, felon, crook, liar… Wow! So many faults, so little time!

I know you’re busy talking to reporters and everyone, but  in honor of our years, another thought.

Even though you had the delegates to win the primary, now that you’re out, they can vote for anyone. And you know Democrats have a reputation for being cats in a corral, which is always a problem for the corral boss. And I know you recommend Kamala in part because you’ve worked with her for 4 years and taught her so much. And I know it will be easier to re-assign your money to her campaign than any other Democrat. 

But the presidential candidate isn’t legally chosen until the convention, some three weeks from now.

So why not endorse her, but also encourage her to campaign for the job just the way you’ve been doing?  Let her go all around the country making speeches, holding rallies and having the Obamas, the Clintons, the Bidens, and anyone else go with her? And encourage others – from Governor Newsom of CA to Whitmer to Kelly, to Shapiro and so on – to campaign against her if they want. Or for her! That way nobody (yes, that nobody) can claim it was a “rigged” primary. 

And! The party will be unified going into the election (I know, it’s hard to imagine with Democrats, but hey! Why not?)

And! On the way she and the others can take pot shots at Trump and the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025.

And! Imagine the excitement at the Convention compared to programmed week of boring speeches that was planned if you’d stayed in the race.

And! Think about those donors who have been holding onto their wallets like grannies at a bake sale, because, as much as they admired your record, they weren’t sure you could do it again. Now, imagine their exuberance over some fresh young faces!  




Dear Donald,

A few thoughts. 

You’re screwed!



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