I’m almost done – with you. You’re like a herd of cats without a leader, rushing around here and there, getting into little spats with each other, whining and complaining and getting…NOWHERE!
Like the rest of us, you’re scared of Trump and his fascist followers. You’re angry at Congressional Republicans who don’t have the balls to say no to a wannabe dictator and his enforcer. You’re looking at the potential end of the greatest democracy in history.
And instead of making an effort to stop him, you’re doing…NOTHING!
And you know what? You’re the only group who can, actually, stop him by doing…SOMETHING!
Because you’re all too wrapped up in your own egos and insecurities to think clearly, I’m going to give you ten things to do.
So, pay attention, take notes.
1) Speak out and speak up. All of you. Everywhere. All the time.
2) For every press conference, rally, or announcement that Trump, Musk, his Cabinet, or Blond Bullshitter Leavitt has, you have a press conference, rally, or announcement.
3) Don’t wait for a presidential candidate to appear from the cackling gaggle of Democratic leaders, just use them all. God knows there’ll be enough rallies, press conferences, announcements to occupy different leaders each time.
4) Do you think people don’t know a lie when they see it? Do you think we’re all that stupid! Stop using words like “untruth”, “falsehood,” “misdirection,” “misrepresent,” or dozens of other ways of not calling a lie a lie. Call them what they are…LIES!
5) Every time Trump, Musk, or others lie to the American public (about Ukraine, Russia, any Gulf, or whatever), counter with… THE TRUTH!
6) For every wall of lies put up by the Republicans, blow it up, pound it to smithereens, explode it with…THE TRUTH!
7) It’s not that complicated. You don’t have to spend six months arguing and fighting to elect a spokesperson. You have dozens of great ones now: Buttigieg, Newsom, Warren, Sanders, Murphy, Whitman, Jeffries, Waltz, to name just a few. There are many; use them all to tell… THE TRUTH!
8) Don’t wait to chose a single message all of you can coalesce around. That’s not the message that matters right now. The message that matters now is Trump’s lies. You already have a single message…THE TRUTH!
9) Support the Media, because without them there is only Trump’s Lies. Write to The New York Time and other Mainstream Media. Post on social media. Use lawn signs. Speak up at cocktail parties. Find an opportunity to counter every lie with…THE TRUTH.
10) And then, when you’ve tamped down all their lies, when the playing field has been made fair again, when you’ve thwarted PLAN 2025, when democracy has returned, get together and pick a leader from your long list of capable leaders, someone who cherishes our democracy, who isn’t a narcissist, who values integrity, and tells…THE TRUTH!
And do it all now, because we don’t have time for a second chance.